Week #2

This week in Badgers and Jam

  • Wrote up the meeting notes from Pentagram planning session #3
  • Added massively improved user and game management tools to the company master system (now codenamed Leviathan).
  • Implemented some key notifications in Leviathan, and worked on the ticket purchase system.
  • Wrote up some company principles.
  • Blog post on unfocused thoughts on narrative as a system in itself.
  • Informal meeting on another LARP project, which is well-formed but without public-facing name, coming in November.

Week #1

Weeknotes were a thing in blogging for a couple of months back around 2012 or so.  This seems like a sensible space for bringing them back.  The idea, shockingly, is that we log what we’ve done this week, in public, combining both tracking state and motivation.  (I have to do a thing, so there’ll be something for the weeknotes.)

So, if we designate this week as week #1, what’ve we done?

  • Picked a name for the company.  Welcome in (Badgers and) Jam.
  • Bought domain names.
  • Arranged hosting and web management tools, and thrown up a couple of basic websites.
  • Written a first draft E&D policy, and circulated it for comment.
  • Coded and tested some early stage game management tools.  Much still be be done here over the next year,
  • Tested some forum software, and then run away from it in terror.
  • Coded the stub of a ticket purchase system that can be used for many different games.  Need to go away and actually think about the purchase/registration user journey.
  • Came up with a codename for the major LARP project under development for 2018.  It is now to be know as Pentagram.  (Never let a name out into the wild unless you can live with it as a permanent name, in case people react well to it.)
  • Had the third design meeting about Pentagram, it’s starting to take the kind of shape that we’ll be ready to do the writing in earnest in the next few months – the structures and ideas are starting to slot into place, another iteration or two and we should be ready to start producing all the player facing materials.  I have the notes to write up about it tomorrow.